Σχετικά με εμάς
Υπηρεσίες Μεταφορών Ελλάδας!

Καλώς ήλθατε στο thessalonikitaxitransfers.com

Η ThessalonikiTaxiTransfers, μια εταιρεία που ιδρύθηκε το 2019, είναι μια αποτελεσματική εταιρεία μεταφοράς με έδρα τη Θεσσαλονίκη και σκοπός της είναι να προσφέρει υπηρεσίες μεταφοράς σε πολλούς προορισμούς στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα.

Ο κύριος στόχος της εταιρείας μας είναι η αξιόπιστη, ασφαλής, οικονομική μεταφορά από σημεία παραλαβής στον προορισμό που επιθυμεί ο πελάτης. Δεδομένου ότι ένας από τους κύριους στόχους μας είναι η ασφάλεια των επιβατών και των παιδιών τους, όλες οι μεταφορές πραγματοποιούνται από νέα οχήματα σε άριστη κατάσταση και είναι εξοπλισμένα με συστήματα πλοήγησης (εάν επιθυμείτε ενισχυτές ή / και παιδικά καθίσματα, μπορούν να κρατηθούν στον ιστότοπό μας) . Οι οδηγοί μας είναι όλοι επαγγελματίες, αξιόπιστοι, καλά εκπαιδευμένοι, πολύ έμπειροι, αγγλόφωνοι και γερμανόφωνου και είναι πρόθυμοι να παρέχουν την καλύτερη ποιότητα στους πελάτες μας.

Κάθε μεταφορά δεν κοινοποιείται σε άλλους πελάτες που έχουν κάνει κράτηση για τον ίδιο προορισμό. Είναι αποκλειστικά στη χρήση του πελάτη που έκανε την κράτηση. Ο πελάτης είναι σε θέση να επιλέξει ένα όχημα σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα οχημάτων. αυτοκίνητα σαλούν, πολυτελή οχήματα, μίνι φορτηγά, λεωφορεία

Για να σας βοηθήσουμε να κανονίσετε τη μεταφορά σας στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα (πιο συγκεκριμένα: Χαλκιδική, Πιερία και Θεσσαλονίκη), είμαστε στη διάθεσή σας. Μη διστάσετε να ζητήσετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες, ώστε να σας προτείνουμε τον πιο οικονομικό τρόπο για τη μεταφορά σας.

Τhessaloniki Taxi Transfers ……. Είμαστε πάντα εκεί για να σας μεταφέρουμε παντού.


Safe transport

Προτεραιότητα της εταιρείας μας είναι η ασφαλής μεταφορά σας. Κατά τη μεταφορά σας, όλοι οι οδηγοί μας χρησιμοποιούν μη ιατρικές προστατευτικές μάσκες. Επιπλέον, στο εσωτερικό των οχημάτων υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα αντισηπτικά γάντια και νιτρίλιο.

Περιορισμοί στις οδικές μεταφορές λόγω Covid -19


Link : https://covid19.gov.gr/covid-map

1. Η χρήση μη ιατρικής προστατευτικής μάσκας είναι υποχρεωτική, τόσο από τους επιβάτες όσο και από τον οδηγό.
Για οποιαδήποτε παραβίαση αυτής της διάταξης απαιτείται πρόστιμο εκατόν πενήντα ευρώ (300 ευρώ), τόσο στον οδηγό του οχήματος όσο και στους επιβάτες.


Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, και όλα τα κράτη μέλη της, σχεδιάζουν ένα ασφαλές άνοιγμα της Ευρώπης. Ενώ η προστασία της δημόσιας υγείας παραμένει η προτεραιότητά μας, θέλουμε όλοι να απολαύσουν τις διακοπές τους, να επανενωθούν με την οικογένεια και τους φίλους τους και να μπορούν να ταξιδεύουν για οποιονδήποτε σκοπό. Αυτό το διαδραστικό εργαλείο σας παρέχει τις πληροφορίες που χρειάζεστε για να προγραμματίσετε με βεβαιότητα τα ταξίδια και τις διακοπές σας στην Ευρώπη, ενώ θα παραμείνετε υγιείς και ασφαλείς. Οι πληροφορίες ενημερώνονται συχνά και διατίθενται σε 24 γλώσσες για την εξυπηρέτησή σας. Ταξιδιωτικοί περιορισμοί στην Ευρώπη

Πρωτόκολλο για αφίξεις στην Ελλάδα

Από την 1η Ιουλίου 2020, η ελληνική κυβέρνηση έχει καθορίσει πώς η χώρα θα καλωσορίσει τους ταξιδιώτες, θα πραγματοποιήσει τον απαραίτητο διαγνωστικό έλεγχο και θα διατηρήσει όλους ασφαλείς όλη τη σεζόν.

Η φόρμα εντοπισμού επιβατών (PLF) είναι ένα βασικό στοιχείο του σχεδιασμού. Όλοι οι ταξιδιώτες υποχρεούνται να συμπληρώσουν το PLF τους τουλάχιστον 48 ώρες πριν εισέλθουν στη χώρα, παρέχοντας αναλυτικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με το σημείο αναχώρησής τους, τη διάρκεια των προηγούμενων διαμονών σε άλλες χώρες και τη διεύθυνση της διαμονής σας ενώ βρίσκεστε στην Ελλάδα

Είναι καλύτερα να το ολοκληρώσετε πριν ταξιδέψετε. !! Έτσι θα φτάσετε στην Ελλάδα νωρίτερα !!


Δηλώστε τα επιπλέον στοιχεία σας

Βρεφικό κάθισμα (0 -2,5 ετών)


Για μωρά βάρους από 9 έως 18 κιλά (0 -2,5 ετών)

Αριθμός επιβατών 4 Τα παιδιά υπολογίζονται πάντα ως επιβάτες.

Σας συνιστούμε να υπάρχει το παιδικό κάθισμα για να διασφαλίσετε τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας. Πρέπει να γίνει προ-κράτηση βρεφικών καθισμάτων ή Bousters και υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση σύμφωνα με την πολιτική της εταιρίας.



Παιδικό κάθισμα (3 – 8 ετών)


Για παιδιά από 15 έως 36 κιλά (3 – 8 ετών)

Αριθμός επιβατών 4 Τα παιδιά υπολογίζονται πάντα ως επιβάτες.

Σας συνιστούμε να υπάρχει το παιδικό κάθισμα για να διασφαλίσετε τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας.  Πρέπει να γίνει προ-κράτηση παιδικών καθισμάτων ή Bousters και υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση σύμφωνα με την πολιτική της εταιρίας.




Χειραποσκευές έως 5 κιλά


Χειραποσκευές έως 5 κιλά και μέγιστες διαστάσεις 40 x 22 x 55

Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να ενημερωθούμε για τον ακριβή αριθμό των αποσκευών, καθώς και για τον τύπο των αποσκευών σας, ώστε να μπορεί να έρθει το σωστό όχημα  για την μεταφορά σας.



Αποσκευές κάτω των 30 κιλών


Τεμάχια αποσκευών κάτω από 30 κιλά Κομμάτια αποσκευών κάτω από 30 κιλά και μέγιστες διαστάσεις 53 x 31 x 75 cm


Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να ενημερωθούμε για τον ακριβή αριθμό των αποσκευών, καθώς και για τον τύπο των αποσκευών σας, ώστε να μπορεί να έρθει το σωστό όχημα  για την μεταφορά σας.


Αποσκευές έως 30 κιλά


Αποσκευές έως 30 κιλά  Αποσκευές έως 30 κιλά και μέγιστες διαστάσεις 60 X 35 X 85 cm


Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να ενημερωθούμε για τον ακριβή αριθμό των αποσκευών, καθώς και για τον τύπο των αποσκευών σας, ώστε να μπορεί να έρθει το σωστό όχημα  για την μεταφορά σας.



Επιπλέον στάσεις

Επιπλέον στάση έχει  κόστος 5 € ανά 15 λεπτά. Αν θέλετε 30 λεπτά, επιλέξτε 2 Στάσεις.



Χρόνος Αναμονής

Ο επιπλέον χρόνος αναμονής κοστίζει 15 € ανά 1 ώρα. Αν σας αρέσει 4 ώρες επιλέξτε (4).

Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να μπορείτε να περιμένετε να επιστρέψετε μετά από ένα πλήρες ταξίδι, αντί να χρεωθείτε με δύο διαδρομές



Πώς να κάνετε κράτηση


Επιλέξτε την εταιρεία μας για τη μεταφορά σας από την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης σε όλους τους αγαπημένους σας προορισμούς όπως Χαλκιδική, Πιερία, Καβάλα και σε άλλες πόλεις της Ελλάδας.

Πώς να κάνετε κράτηση  «Από την πόλη Θεσσαλονίκης ή το αεροδρόμιο της Θεσσαλονίκης» προς τον Προορισμό σας:

  1. Γράψτε την τοποθεσία παραλαβής “Θεσσαλονίκη πόλη” ή “Skg Θεσσαλονίκη Αεροδρόμιο”
  2. Γράψτε το χωριό ή το ξενοδοχείο που επιθυμείτε να επισκεφθείτε
  3. Επιλέξτε μεταφορά μονής διαδρομής είτε μεταφορά (με επιστροφή)
  4. Εισαγάγετε τον αριθμό επιβατών (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των παιδιών)
  5. Επιλέξτε ημερομηνία και ώρα αναχώρησης
  6. Επιλέξτε το όχημα που θέλετε
  7. Δέστε τα στοιχεία κράτησης και επικοινωνίας
  8. Δηλώστε τα επιπλέον αντικείμενά σας (όπως αποσκευές καρεκλάκια κ.λπ.)
  9. Γράψτε στη φόρμα “λεπτομέρειες ” και “Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες” τη διεύθυνση τοποθεσίας σας και άλλες πληροφορίες όπως το όνομα του ξενοδοχείουΠώς να κάνετε κράτηση με προορισμό το “Αεροδρόμιο πόλης Θεσσαλονίκης ή Θεσσαλονίκης”:

Πώς να κάνετε κράτηση από τον προορισμού σας προς την πόλη Θεσσαλονίκης ή το αεροδρόμιο Θεσσαλονίκης»:

  1. Γράψτε το χωριό ή το ξενοδοχείο που επιθυμείτε να σας παραλάβουμε
  2. Γράψτε στην τοποθεσία αποβίβασης “Θεσσαλονίκη πόλη” ή “Skg Θεσσαλονίκη Αεροδρόμιο”
  3. Επιλέξτε μεταφορά μονής διαδρομής είτε μεταφορά (με επιστροφή)
  4. Εισαγάγετε τον αριθμό επιβατών (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των παιδιών)
  5. Επιλέξτε ημερομηνία και ώρα αναχώρησης
  6. Επιλέξτε το όχημα που θέλετε
  7. Δέστε τα στοιχεία κράτησης και επικοινωνίας
  8. Δηλώστε τα επιπλέον αντικείμενά σας (όπως αποσκευές καρεκλάκια κ.λπ.)
  9. Γράψτε στη φόρμα “λεπτομέρειες ” και “Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες” τη διεύθυνση τοποθεσίας σας και άλλες πληροφορίες όπως το όνομα του ξενοδοχείου


Οι τιμές των ξενοδοχείων ή των τοποθεσιών που βρίσκονται στο ίδιο χωριό είναι οι ίδιες. Εάν ο προορισμός σας δεν είναι εγγεγραμμένος στη λίστα προορισμών, συμπληρώστε το BookingForm.

Ο οδηγός μας θα σας περιμένει στο σημείο παραλαβής (αεροδρόμιο, λιμάνι, σταθμός λεωφορείων κ.λπ.) και θα μεταφερθείτε στον προορισμό σας εγκαίρως, με χαμηλό κόστος και ασφάλεια. Ξεκινήστε τις διακοπές σας με υπηρεσίες χαμόγελου και υψηλής ποιότητας!

Παρακαλώ σημειώστε:

  • Τα παιδιά υπολογίζονται πάντα ως επιβάτες, καταλαμβάνουν ένα κάθισμα και πρέπει πάντα να κάθονται στα πίσω καθίσματα χρησιμοποιώντας μια ζώνη ασφαλείας εάν δεν παρέχεται παιδικό κάθισμα. Σας συνιστούμε να πάρετε το παιδικό σας κάθισμα για να διασφαλίσετε τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας. Σε ορισμένα θέρετρα, μπορεί να γίνει προ-κράτηση παιδικών καθισμάτων με επιπλέον χρέωση.
  • Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να πάρετε μαζί σας το κουπόνι κράτησης με τα στοιχεία μεταφοράς και να το δείξετε στον οδηγό σας. Διαφορετικά, ενδέχεται να απομακρυνθείτε και δεν θα είμαστε υπεύθυνοι για τυχόν αποτυχημένες μεταφορές.

Επιλέξτε τον τύπο της μεταφοράς σας

Οικονομική Μεταφορά  (1-4άτομα)

Ιδιωτική Οικονομική Μεταφορά για μεταφορές χαμηλού κόστους από την τοποθεσία παραλαβής σας σε οποιονδήποτε προορισμό. Πιο κατάλληλα για μετακινήσεις στην πόλη και εκτός , Αυτά τα οχήματα παρέχουν άνετη θέση για έως και 4 επιβάτες και τις αποσκευές τους. Ο οδηγός μας θα σας περιμένει στο αεροδρόμιο, βοηθώντας σας να φτάσετε στον προορισμό σας όσο πιο γρήγορα, εύκολα και αξιόπιστα γίνεται.


Παρακαλώ σημειώστε:

  1. Αριθμός επιβατών 4 τα παιδιά υπολογίζονται πάντα ως επιβάτες. Συνιστούμε να πάρετε το παιδικό σας κάθισμα για να διασφαλίσετε τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας Σε ορισμένα θέρετρα, μπορεί να γίνει προ-κράτηση παιδικών καθισμάτων ή Bousters με επιπλέον χρέωση.
  2. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να πάρετε μαζί σας το κουπόνι κράτησης μαζί με τα στοιχεία μεταφοράς σας και να το δείξετε στον οδηγό σας. Διαφορετικά, ενδέχεται να απομακρυνθείτε και δεν θα είμαστε υπεύθυνοι για τυχόν αποτυχημένες μεταφορές, εάν δεν μπορείτε να προσκομίσετε το κουπόνι κράτησης.


Mercedes E’Class Service(1-4άτομα)

 Ιδιωτική Mercedes E’Class Service παρέχει υπηρεσία κομψότητας για την επιλογή οχήματος τύπου  Mercedes E Class από το σημείο παραλαβής σας σε οποιονδήποτε προορισμό. Περιλαμβάνεται δωρεάν Wi-Fi και νερό για κάθε επιβάτη. Αυτά τα οχήματα παρέχουν άνετη θέση για έως και 4 επιβάτες και τις αποσκευές τους. Ο οδηγός μας θα σας περιμένει στο αεροδρόμιο, βοηθώντας σας να φτάσετε στον προορισμό σας όσο πιο γρήγορα, εύκολα και αξιόπιστα γίνεται.

Παρακαλώ σημειώστε:

  1. Αριθμός επιβατών 4 τα παιδιά υπολογίζονται πάντα ως επιβάτες. Συνιστούμε να πάρετε το παιδικό σας κάθισμα για να διασφαλίσετε τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας Σε ορισμένα θέρετρα, μπορεί να γίνει προ-κράτηση παιδικών καθισμάτων ή Bousters με επιπλέον χρέωση.
  2. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να πάρετε μαζί σας το κουπόνι κράτησης μαζί με τα στοιχεία μεταφοράς σας και να το δείξετε στον οδηγό σας. Διαφορετικά, ενδέχεται να απομακρυνθείτε και δεν θα είμαστε υπεύθυνοι για τυχόν αποτυχημένες μεταφορές, εάν δεν μπορείτε να προσκομίσετε το κουπόνι κράτησης.


Minivan Μεταφορά (1-8pax)

Μinivan Μεταφορά είναι για μεταφορές 8 ατομων από την τοποθεσία παραλαβής σας σε οποιονδήποτε προορισμό. Είναι κατάλληλα για εκδρομές εκτός πόλης, Αυτά τα οχήματα παρέχουν άνετη θέση για έως και 8 επιβάτες και τις αποσκευές τους. Ο οδηγός μας θα σας περιμένει στο αεροδρόμιο, βοηθώντας σας να φτάσετε στον προορισμό σας όσο πιο γρήγορα, εύκολα και αξιόπιστα γίνεται.





Παρακαλώ σημειώστε:

  1. Αριθμός επιβατών 4 τα παιδιά υπολογίζονται πάντα ως επιβάτες. Συνιστούμε να πάρετε το παιδικό σας κάθισμα για να διασφαλίσετε τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας Σε ορισμένα θέρετρα, μπορεί να γίνει προ-κράτηση παιδικών καθισμάτων ή Bousters με επιπλέον χρέωση.
  2. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να πάρετε μαζί σας το κουπόνι κράτησης μαζί με τα στοιχεία μεταφοράς σας και να το δείξετε στον οδηγό σας. Διαφορετικά, ενδέχεται να απομακρυνθείτε και δεν θα είμαστε υπεύθυνοι για τυχόν αποτυχημένες μεταφορές, εάν δεν μπορείτε να προσκομίσετε το κουπόνι κράτησης.

Privacy Policy


The aim of this statement is to inform you how we will use the personal data you provide through the website www.Thessalonikitaxitransfers.com Thessalonikitaxitransfers is committed to protecting your personal data and respect the privacy of the users. Please read it carefully before you proceed.

Every internet user who accessing www.Thessalonikitaxitransfers.com website does so anonymously and is not registered by Thessalonikitaxitransfers for any online service. The user remains anonymous through his search through all information on the website and at no point are his personal details registered for any online service.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies does not contain any personal information.

Cookies can be deleted from your hard drive if you wish. Most web browsers accept automatically cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to prevent that.

Cookies may be used in the following way:

  • To compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how users use our site and to help us improve it. We cannot identify you personally in this way.
  • To help us recognize you as a unique visitor when you return to our website and to allow us to tailor advertisements or content that match your interests.

If you choose to disallow cookies you may still use most of the services on our website, including the booking process.

Collection of your personal information:

In order to process your booking we require certain personal information such as the name of the person making the booking, address, telephone number and e-mail address. We also need your flight details, destination resort and accommodation. Obviously we need to establish your holiday details to ensure your taxi is waiting for the correct flight and the driver knows which hotel to transfer you to. We need your telephone number to contact you in the unlikely event of any change prior to departure and the e-mail address to send your booking voucher.

Should you contract a transfer service offered through our website, Thessalonikitaxitransfers may communicate your personal information to local suppliers(transfer operators, airport authorities, taxi services etc) that will use your personal information for the exclusive purpose of fulfilling the contracted service.

Our company may use your personal information (e-mail address) to let you know about other products and services that may be of interest to you and for the general purpose of measuring consumer satisfaction in the services offered. These email offers come directly from Thessalonikitaxitransfers and are sent in a format which is compatible to the information recovered from the customer’s email address. Thessalonikitaxitransfers have implemented reasonable technical and organisational measures designed to secure the confidential use of personal data entered by the User on the website and that the server that will store and process this data has the necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized third party access. However, the Internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes.

Further more, the User is informed of the following:

  • Although Thessalonikitaxitransfers does not divulge a customer’s email address to any other service supplier the company may act as an intermediary by forwarding email offers from such third parties. In the event that an individual becomes a customer of such a third party then that third party service supplier might independently send the individual details of his promotions etc. Should a user wish to stop receiving such emails he must contact the third party directly for this purpose.
  • Aim of Thessalonikitaxitransfers is to facilitate receipt of a third party service supplier’s promotional information of specific interest to a customer, and such contact would be subject to the strictest controls concerning the security and confidentiality of customers’ personal details. A simple request by email to Thessalonikitaxitransfers would ensure the cessation of such activity.
  • Should the User take part in any contest or promotion Thessalonikitaxitransfers will ask for his/her name, mailing address and email address in order to organize the contest or promotion and in order to inform the winner or winners.
  • Thessalonikitaxitransfers is committed, as far as possible, to not sell services or send offers to minors. Minors are not permitted to register on there own behalf for any services through our website. We remind parents, legal representatives and guardians that they should monitor children’s use of the internet. If a parent or legal representative discovers that a minor has subscribed to one of our web services, they must notify us immediately so we can remove the corresponding record and any personal data.
  • By registering to Thessalonikitaxitransfers, the user accepts the possibility of receiving special offers within the bulletins and newsletters as well as other communications containing information exclusively for the User.
  • Thessalonikitaxitransfers reserves the right to use the information communicated in a manner that does not enable the identification or disclosure of the person concern for statistical, promotional, research or marketing purposes, communicating these to third parties for example research companies responsible for the completion of the above objectives.
  • In accordance with current legislation, the company undertakes to provide the customer with details of any personal information which may be held by the company whenever requested. If the customer believes that the information held by the company is in any way incorrect or incomplete, he should send a written notification to Thessalonikitaxitransfers. Such errors will be rectified at once by the company. The customer may likewise send a written request for cancellation or to lodge an objection.
  • Thessalonikitaxitransfers may apply removal of confidentiality of user communications only if and to the extent required to fulfill an obligation under the current legislation (Article 19 of the Constitution).

The customer’s attention is hereby drawn to the fact that other Internet sites accessed through the ST Thessalonikitaxitransfers website may have conditions of confidentiality which differ from those of this company.

Changes to this privacy policy

If our privacy policy changes in any way, we will place an updated version on this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.

If at any time you would like to send us any comments or complaints about how we use your personal information, please send us an email to [email protected]



We recommend that you read the conditions and the prerequisites below carefully before you make your reservation. They contain important information concerning your rights and duties. In case you do not understand one condition, we suggest that you came in contact with us before you go ahead our reservation.


  • thessalonikiminivanitransfers acts as mean of assigning transfer services via its website www.thessalonikiminivanitransfers.com. The contract for the provision of transfer service is held between you and the supplier.


  • With the completion of your reservation you confirm that you have read, comprehended and approved of the conditions below. Additionally, you confirm that you have the legal freedom to accept these conditions and prerequisites in your own name or on behalf of your co-passengers. With the completion of your booking you are obliged to sort out any type of payment that is pending, to inform thessalonikiminivanitransfers for any alteration or cancellation of you reservation and to keep all the other travelers informed about the elements of their reservation as well.In case you are unwilling to engage with the conditions and prerequisites, then unfortunately you cannot make reservation via our website.



thessalonikiminivanitransfers.com is available in the English language. The customer’s service is only available in Greek and English at present. We pay great attention to the quality of the translations of the websites as well as the conditions and prerequisites, though in case of any deviation the Greek version predominates.


  • thessalonikiminivanitransfers operates as a means of fulfilling reservation services of transfer in the name of the transporter.
  • In order to request and arrange a contract for your travel service you will have to follow the relevant procedure of booking in our website. All reservations have to be carried out at least 24 hours before the scheduled transport.
  • We have the right to refuse any transfer request of yours. We cannot guarantee that we are able to fulfill every request of yours successfully. In a case like this you are going to receive an email to get informed about this incident. All the approved reservations are confirmed by sending the booking coupon to the e-mail address you gave to us during the booking procedure. In case your request is rejected, you will receive a full refund (in Euros) of the payments before your reservation or an alternative service may be provided to you and/or the supplier may have different conditions or/and additional charges. Details concerning the transporter will be given only if your reservation has been carried out successfully.
  • Your reservation represents a direct contract between you and the Transporter. The function of thessalonikiminivanitransfers is enable the creation of the contract between you and the Transporter. We do not accept the responsibility for any aspect of the services provided be the Transporter.


Reservation procedure:

  • All the transport services that are offered I our website have been approved by the Transporter.
  • All the information that you fill in the reservation form is provided to the transporter in order to confirm the transfer service. Therefore, is vital that you check and ensure that all the names, the addresses, phone numbers, dates, times and other information that are provided are true. In case some elements are false, you ought to come in contact with us at once. The Transporter will use the information provided by you during the reservation procedure and he will transfer you at your destination and as closer to your accommodation as possible, taking into consideration all the characteristics of the vehicle and the natural conditions of access to the required destination.
  • Due to specific limitations, such us constructions, traffic conditions etc the door to door boarding on/off from/to your hotel may not be feasible. When these obstacles occur, the vehicle will stop to select the passengers from the nearest point, which is accessible to the accommodation. Additionally, in case the shortest and most convenient road is closed due to an accident, weather conditions etc and the Transporter will be asked to follow an alternative longer route to reach destination, it is likely that extra costs will come up.
  • You have to confirm that the credit or charging card that you use is yours and that there are adequate fund or credit facilitations for the coverage of the cost of the service. We are entitled to cancel the reservation if the payment cannot be fulfilled and the service will not carried out.
  • Immediately after the payment has been successfully done, you will receive the payment confirmation through the e-mail. The receipt of the payment is not a confirmation of your reservation, but it is used to confirm that your request is under elaboration by the transporter. As soon as the Transporter accepts your application, an e-mail will be send to you with your reservation as a coupon, which will ensure the formal contract between you and the Transporter. You are obliged to show this coupon to the driver at the beginning of your journey. The Transporter has the right to refuse the transfer if the reservation coupon is not shown.
  • When you receive this coupon it is your own duty to check that all the elements and details of the transfer that appear on it are correct. In case you notice any mistake, please notify us directly.


Cost of the transfer and payment:

  • Details related to the prices of the service, as well as the procedures about the payment and the delivery appear on our website. The current price of any service is the price that is displayed on our website on the date and the time of your reservation. As soon as your reservation is confirmed, you remise to have the fees that will be shown on the taximeter during your transfer.
  • In case the cost of the transfer I higher than the one mentioned in your reservation, we will inform you and then you can cancel your reservation and receive a full refund or make the reservation again in the correct price.
  • All prices listed on our site are subject to the Greek law and refer to legal entities governed by public law and to legal entities governed by private law, as defined by the Greek law, and are the result of a contract between the service provider and the customer. If the conditions are not met, the current prices are those quoted in the current price list, as provided by the Greek Ministry of Transport.
  • Each booking is a written contract between the service provider and the customer, who understands and agrees with the pricing policy of thessalonikiminivanitransfers.
  • You have to pay with credit or charging card during your reservation. You are given two choices, either pay the whole sum by pay pal or pay a percent with your credit or charging card (as this is determined during the procedure of the reservation) and the rest of the sum in cash to the driver during your transfer. The cards that we accept are designated on the reservation form of our website.


Special requests:

  • If you have any special requests such as children’s seats, further space for luggage, room for golf bats etc, please notify us during the time of the reservation. We will make an effort to forward all these requests to the Transporter , however, we cannot guarantee that they will be available on the day of your transfer and we carry no responsibility towards you if they are not. In this highly improbable case the extra amount of money that you have paid for the special requests will be returned to you.

Modifications in your reservation – General information:

  • Every required change in your reservation should be sent to us in written form to the following e-mail address: [email protected] All the modifications are confirmed by the Transporter, the confirmation of which will be sent to the email address that you gave at the moment of the reservations. Any modifications, under the conditions mentioned above, are allowed up to 24 hours before the scheduled transfer. Otherwise this can occur through the management system of reservation of our website.
  • In case the alteration brings about an increase of the cost (different destination, size of the vehicle, extras etc) you will be informed through e-mail for the extra cost, as well as for the way the payment of the extra cost should be done.
  • If the alteration of your reservation causes decrease of the total amount, the difference will be sent to you, at least 24 hours before the scheduled transfer.
  • Up to two modifications per reservation are free of charge. Additional modifications subject to the cost of management 10€, which must be paid at least 24hours before your first scheduled transfer. In case you make a change of your reservation within less than 24hours from your transfer, the change subjects to the approval by the performer of the transport and provided it is confirmed you are charged with additional cost of 10€, which must be paid before your scheduled delivery.
  • If your scheduled pick-up is at a location or hotel outside the city of Thessaloniki, any cancellation of your scheduled booking will take place less than 6 hours after the scheduled receipt. The customer is charged with the entire cost of the trip.
  • The transporter will observe the arrival time of your airplane. In case you miss your flight , it is cancelled or its number is changed you must inform us directly. Every change subjects to the approval by the transporter .
  • When your plane lands, the transporter is obliged to wait for up to 60’ minutes at the meeting point that is mentioned on your reservation coupon. If you think you are going to delay more than 60’ minutes, a member of your group should notify the transporter. In such a case extra charges may be imposed. In the end, in case 60’ minutes pass and nobody of your team has appeared, the transporter will try to come in contact with you through the phone number you gave during the reservation procedure. If he is unable again to communicate with you, your transport is cancelled and there is no refund.
  • In case the meeting point isn’t the airport, the transporter is obliged to wait for you for up to 15’ at the meeting point. In case nobody of the group appears, the transporter will try to communicate with you through the phone number you gave during the reservation procedure. If he can’t contact you again the reservation is cancelled and the money is not returned.
  • In case the customer is not able to find the driver, he/she will have to come in contact with thessalonikiminivanitransfers at once. In case you don’t come in contact with us and we are not notified about the incident, the transfer is cancelled and there is no refund.
  • The transportation company has the right to change the pickup time, up to 30 minutes sooner or later to the original pickup time, if that is deemed necessary by the transfer company. The transfer company will deem the change of the pickup time necessary if the original pickup time mag cause problems for the transfer of the client (e.g have traffic) .In that case the transfer company will notify the customer of the new pickup time.
  • We cannot guarantee for the type of vehicle that will be used by the transporter. The transporter has the right to change the vehicle (always with one of the same or larger category) in order to achieve the completion of your transfer.
  • The transporter, the drivers and thessalonikiminivanitransfers, maintain the right to refuse to transfer any person who is or seem to be under the effect of alcohol or illegal substances or/and their behavior is considered to be a threat for the driver, the vehicle or the other passengers No refund will be carried out under such circumstances.
  • The passengers are not allowed to consume alcohol in any of the supplier’s vehicles. Smoking is not allowed, unless permission has been given by the driver. All the vehicles that are provided by the suppliers are completely insured for the passenger’s transfer and other’s demands, it is requested by the local legislation. The passenger’s luggage, though, are transferred fully with their own responsibility and no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage by thessalonikiminivanitransfers.
  • All the vehicles that are used by the transporter hold all the necessary documents according to the Greek Legislation.



  • All the applications for the cancellation of a reservation should be submitted 24 hours before the transport. In case a reservation is cancelled within less than 24 hours form the scheduled transport, the money is not returned.
  • In case the reservation is cancelled 24 before the scheduled transfer the whole sum of money is returned to the customer at the same way that the payment was done. The customer is charged with the costs of the bank.


Our responsibility:

  • Thessalonikitaxitransfers operates as a mean of reservations and does not have its own vehicles. Therefore, no responsibility lies on us regarding the actual performance of the services. Our responsibilities are limited to the publication of the information on our website about the services offered by the Transporter, as well as to the notification for any changes in the conditions of your reservation. We have no responsibility for any king of disease, injury, death or loss. Our service stops when the vehicle arrives at the specified location and time. Boarding, disembarking, travel time, baggage loading, baggage unloading are the sole responsibility of the person who made the reservation. This includes the loss, damage or theft of any luggage or personal things that belong to you or your co-passengers. Any request for loss, injury, disease or death ought to be made to the Transporter directly or it can be covered by the conditions of your insurance. We accept the responsibility for any claims that occur exclusively as a result of our carelessness.
  • In case we are found responsible for anything, our maximum responsibility towards you is limited to the double cost of your reservation or the relevant amount as long as other individuals of your reservation are not affected.


Force majeure:

  • Force majeure means that neither we nor the Transporter will compensate whether we or the Transporter must cancel or alter any service, due to unexpected occasions that are not under our or the Transporter’s control. These may include, but not limited only to these, accidents and related delays, unprogrammeddemonstrations , organized disorder, police activity, unpredictable dangers on the road, terrorists’ actions and their consequences or the threat of such actions or other national or local authorities, working differences, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions or other similar situations out of our or the Transporter’s control.


Passengers’ responsibilities:

  • The customer with the present contract claims that he/she is at the legal age and with his full cognitive abilities allowing him to confront with all the legal responsibilities in this contract.
  • The customer agrees and comprehends to inform directly thessalonikiminivanitransfers about any change or alteration which can affect the service as soon as possible either via e-mail or phone number of communication that are provided.
  • The credit or charging cards that they belong to them and that there are adequate sums to cover the cost of the service.
  • The transfer is provide to you based on the elements you gave at the reservation procedure. It is your own responsibility to check that all the elements that you have mentioned are correct. In case of disagreement you ought to inform us as soon as possible. If your transport can not be fulfilled because of false information during the reservation procedure or notification of thessalonikiminivanitransfers (at least 24 hours before your transfer) your money is not returned.
  • It is your responsibility to carry the coupon of your reservation during your journey, in which all the relevant instructions of your arrival are mentioned, as well as specific phones numbers of communication in an emergency case. Neither we nor the transporter have any responsibility if the service is not carried out because of non-existence of the reservation coupon.
  • In case that your flight is swerved, we recommend that you contact with our 24hour helpline as soon as possible, provided that it can help you find alternative ways of transport. Please do pay attention to the fact that neither we nor the transporter are responsible to pay any amount of money for the above alternative arrangements. With the reservation of the conditions of the airline agencies, it is the airline company’s responsibility to transfer you to the airport of your destination.
  • In case your email address or phone number changes, you should provide us with the new information contact immediately in order to be able to communicate with you for any matter that concerns your reservation.
  • Every contact with you will be carried out through the email. Therefore, we suggest that you always check your email before you travel in order to make sure that there have been no major changes in your reservation. All the notices are sent to the email you have provided us at the moment of the reservation.
  • The passenger has to make sure that he/she and his/her co-passengers will arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before the scheduled time of their flight. You are responsible for the ensuring that the service of transfer is carried out at a date and time that at the demands of your route.

Problem at your transfer:

  • If you confront any problem with your transfer, please notify the transporter or call us by using the phone numbers mentioned on the reservation coupon and we will try directly to investigate the matter and to correct things. If we are not informed on time at that stage our ability to search the matter more effectively will be influenced as well as your rights according to the contract you have made with the transporter. Taking this into consideration, we would like to note that all the complaints, problems as well as any compensation requests regarding responsibilities mentioned above should be sent exclusively to [email protected] up to 72 hours after the execution of the relevant route so that we can respond to you . Any other communication regarding complaints, problems and requests will not be considered and we reserve the right to respond to you

Children and individuals with special needs:

  • During the reservation you should indicate if you travel with children. We recommend that you bring with you the safety system of your children (children seats, boosters) with which you are more familiar. If you don’t wish to travel with your own safety system for your children, you may request from the transporter to provide you with one at the moment of the reservation. Your request will be sent for approval to the Transporter and it depends on its availability at the time of the transfer will be performed. In case the transporter does not have available either children seats or boosters at your transfer, you are entitled to get a refund for the extra cost you were charged for this equipment, but not for the cost of the whole transfer.
  • In case you do not ask for a safety system for children, you child will travel with the safety system that the vehicle possesses provided it is a taxi, according to the European instruction 2003/20/EC and always at the back seat of the vehicle. However we suggest that you had better travel either with your safety system or ask for an appropriate one from the supplier-transporter.
  • In any case, a child or infant is considered to be a normal passenger.
  • Individuals with special needs like people with disabilities and wheelchair should mention that in their reservation and ensure that the vehicle they choose is suitable for their needs. What’s more, they should be able to get in the vehicle by themselves or their co-passengers assistance.


  • Every passenger is entitled to carry with him/her one piece of luggage with maximum combined size 150cm (length+width+height) and handbags as well, apart from the case in which additional objects have been defined during the reservation procedure. Te luggage should mention all the information of the owner on it and the destination address of the owner.
  • Whatever transgression the luggage should be claimed during the reservation procedure. The customer is responsible for any extra costs in case additional vehicles are needed to transfer the additional not mentioned luggage.
  • By the approval of these conditions you are obliged at any time to obey with the local laws and legislations where your transfer occurs. As a consequence, your suitcases cannot contain any objects that are forbidden by the local legislation such as guns etc. Additionally, you cannot transfer pets without having mentioned it during the reservation procedure and without having them along with you in their special transport cage. Also you cannot transfer objects of extreme size, weight and sensitiveness. We also recommend that you do not carry valuable or fragile objects in your luggage.
  • In case you travel along with your pet that you have not registered, the transporter has the right to refuse the transport and the money is not returned.
  • The transport of luggage and other personal objects is done exclusively with the customer’s responsibility and under no circumstances can thessalonikiminivanitransfers be considered responsible for any loss or damage. We suggest that you contract travel insurance that covers any loss or damage.



  • The trademarks, business names and other rights of copyright that appear on our page are our property and are protected by the national and international copyright. The whole content (including texts, graphics, logos, pictures, sound files or videos, logistics) that is used by the website of thessalonikiminivanitransfers is protected by the national and international copyright and any use, adjustment or reproduction of this without the explicit written consent of Liontransfers is strictly forbidden. Any illegal use of the website of thessalonikiminivanitransfers for any purpose is strictly forbidden.



The protection of your privacy and security is our own duty. All the personal data that we select from you should be subjected under elaboration according to our privacy policy. We can provide you with a copy of the Political Protection of Personal Data, after you request, or alternatively, you trace back to our website.

Please note that we have the potentiality to maintain the data that you provide our website with even if you haven’t completed the registration/transaction by clicking the button submit/next. This contact information and data can be used only to communicate with you and ask why you haven’t completed your registration/transaction.

thessalonikiminivanitransfers offers its website and makes every possible effort for its proper function and maintenance. However, we cannot guarantee the lack of technical problems and mistakes as well as the fact that the website is released from viruses that can affect its operation. If faults appear, they will be corrected as soon as possible from the moment we realize their existence.

In case of such faults we have the ability to cancel a reservation and return the money to the customer.

Our customers can contact with us with the ways of communication below:
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: +30 6936834084